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What is Grace Period in Insurance?

Jun 11, 2024


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What is Grace Period in Insurance?

What is Grace Period in Insurance? - Definition

Grace Period in Insurance means the specified period of time immediately following the premium due date during which a payment can be made to renew or continue an Insurance Policy in force without loss of Policy Benefits. Thus, Grace Period is the additional time given to Policyholders after the due date to pay their premiums and continue their Policy Benefits. If the Premium is not paid during the Grace Period, then the Insurance Policy lapses and the coverage under the Policy ceases. Insurance Coverage is not available for the period for which the Premium is not paid by the Policyholder. The frequency of premium payments determines the length of the Grace Period. Grace Period for Policies that require Annual, Semi-Annual, or Quarterly Premium Payments is typically 30 days while for Policies with Monthly Premium Payments, the Grace Period is usually 15 days. Grace Period is an important feature of an Insurance Policy that all Policyholders should be aware of.

What is the purpose of Grace Period in Insurance?

Grace Period in Insurance Policies is important for the following reasons:

  1. Prevents Policy Lapse: Grace Period offers the Policyholder a safety net in case they forget to make their Insurance Premium payment on time. Grace Period prevents the Policy from lapsing after the due date by giving the Policyholder more time to make the Premium Payment.
  2. Protects Coverage: The Insurance Policy features and benefits resume once again after the Premium is paid during the grace period. This means that once the Insurance Premium is paid during the Grace Period, the Policy Coverage will resume. Otherwise, the Policy will lapse and the Policyholder will have to apply for a new Policy by undergoing Medical Checkups and fulfill other requirements.

Which Insurance Policies offer Grace Periods?

Grace Period is typically offered in Life Insurance Policies and Health Insurance Policies. It is important to compare the Grace Periods of various Insurance Plans before finalising the Policy. Sometimes, certain Insurance Policies may not offer any Grace Periods at all.

Grace Period for Life Insurance Policies

Most Life Insurance Policies typically have a grace period of 30 days. Grace Period in Life Insurance Policies allow the Policyholder to make premium payments without Interest during the Grace Period. If the Premium is not paid during the Grace Period, the Life Insurance Policy Coverage Lapses.

Grace Period for Health Insurance Policies

Most Health Insurance Policies have a grace period of 30 days. Grace Period in Health Insurance Policies allow the Policyholder to make premium payments after the Due Date to renew or continue a Policy in force without loss of continuity benefits such as Waiting Periods and Coverage of Pre-Existing Diseases. If the Premium is not paid during the Grace Period, the Insurance Company will cancel your Health Insurance Policy and the Policyholder will have to apply for a new Health Insurance Policy which entails a fresh Waiting Period for Pre-Existing Diseases and Specified Diseases.

When Does a Grace Period Apply?

A Grace Period starts as soon as the Policy Period is over and the Renewal Insurance Premium has not been paid. It is important to note that the Grace Period is a window of time provided to the Policyholder to make the required Premium Payment and prevent the Insurance Policy from lapsing after the due date has passed, not an extension. What happens if the Policyholder fails to pay the Insurance Premium within the Grace Period? If the Policyholder fails to pay the Insurance Premium within the Grace Period, then the Policy lapses and the Policyholder will no longer receive any coverage or benefits under the Policy.

What happens to Claims that occur within the Grace Period?

Any Insurance Claims that occur within the Grace Period, whether for Life Insurance Policy or Health Insurance Policy are not covered under the Insurance Policy. Therefore, though Insurance Policies allow you to pay the Premium after the due date, Policyholders should try to make the premium payment before the due date so that their Claims get covered, should such a need arise.


In summary, Grace Period is not an extension of the Policy Period for making premium payments. The Policyholder does not receive any Insurance Coverage during the Grace Period, but only offers the Policyholder a chance to make the premium payment and resume Policy Coverage. Grace Period is thus a crucial component of Insurance Plans that allows Policyholders to pay their Premiums after the due date and avoid having their Policies lapse. However, to guarantee ongoing coverage and peace of mind, it’s imperative to strive for on-time Premium Payments. If you wish to know more about Grace Periods, please reach out to us via email at insurance@qian.co.in or call us on 022-35134695. We would be glad to assist you.